São da Austrália e estreiam-se com o luminoso "Bliss Release", embora muito próximos dos "Vampire weekend" há uma identidade muito própria e cativante (talvez por isso mesmo tenham feito para eles as primeiras partes da digressão Australiana). Para ver e ouvir "Gold Canary" e "This Is What I Said". Meus senhores e minhas senhoras, eis "Cloud Control".
They’re from Australia and they introduce themselves with their shinny debut "Bliss Release", although soundly near of "Vampire weekend" they have their own identity and it’s very catchy, I must say (maybe that’s why they support live “Vampire Weekend” Australian Tour). Watch now these two fantastic videos "Gold Canary" e "This Is What I Said". Ladies and gentlemen I pleasurably announce “Cloud Control”
They’re from Australia and they introduce themselves with their shinny debut "Bliss Release", although soundly near of "Vampire weekend" they have their own identity and it’s very catchy, I must say (maybe that’s why they support live “Vampire Weekend” Australian Tour). Watch now these two fantastic videos "Gold Canary" e "This Is What I Said". Ladies and gentlemen I pleasurably announce “Cloud Control”
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