Para dizer a verdade, só gostei de facto do álbum de estreia de 2004. A partir daí o rumo que tomaram não me cativou por aí além. Mas este ano regressam com "Velociraptor" e o seu novo single "Switchblade Smiles" chamou-me a atenção e confesso que gostei. O álbum sai a 19 de Setembro e o video tem créditos de "Charlie Lightening" e "Aitor Throup".
To tell you the truth I only really like their 2004 album debut. After that i lost my interest. But this year they return will a new album release "Velociraptor" and I confess that I like the new single "Switchblade Smiles". The record will be release on September 19TH and video credits are for "Charlie Lightening" and "Aitor Throup".
To tell you the truth I only really like their 2004 album debut. After that i lost my interest. But this year they return will a new album release "Velociraptor" and I confess that I like the new single "Switchblade Smiles". The record will be release on September 19TH and video credits are for "Charlie Lightening" and "Aitor Throup".
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