São novos, muito novos, são de Minneapolis e são uma das novidades da "Rough Trade". O EP de estreia "This One’s Different" está mesmo a chegar - dia 1 de Agosto, e este ma-ra-vi-lho-so single/video já me viciou...
They are young, very young, they're from Minneapolis and they are the latest news from "Rough Trade" label record. Their Debut EP "This One’s Different" will be release tomorrow (August 1st) and this mar-ve-lous single/video has made my listen to it repeatedly...
They are young, very young, they're from Minneapolis and they are the latest news from "Rough Trade" label record. Their Debut EP "This One’s Different" will be release tomorrow (August 1st) and this mar-ve-lous single/video has made my listen to it repeatedly...