sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2010

Velvet Davenport - Warmy Girls

Os "Velvet Davenport" voltam a editar pela editora "moon glyph" o novo álbum "Warmy Girls". Ambientes que evocam a escola "Velvet Underground". O Myspace mostra "Glaze Hazy", "Mystery Michael" - maravilhosa, "When you're out", "Flying Girl" - Fantástica (aqui a voz lembra-me Guy Chadwick dos "The house of Love"); e "Run" (com a participação dos "Ariel's Pink Gary War). Para ver "Mystery Michael" e "Get out" com a participação dos "Ariel's Pink Gary War.
The band "Velvet Davenport" release once again from "moon glyph" label their new record "Warmy Girls". The music environment are from Velvet Underground's school. Available on "Myspace" "Glaze Hazy", "Mystery Michael" - marvelous, "When you're out", "Flying Girl" - amazing (reminds me Guy Chadwick from "The house of Love"); and "Run" (with "Ariel's Pink Gary War). to watch "Mystery Michael" and "Get out" with "Ariel's Pink Gary War.

Velvet Davenport - "Mystery Michael" from moon glyph on Vimeo.

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