Enquanto decidem ou não se mantém a banda no activo - "Albarn e Jamie Hewlett, o outro membro dos Gorillaz, estão a ponderar separar a banda depois da actual digressão mundial, a Escape to Plastic Beach World Tour, que acaba no final deste mês. Hewlett disse ao jornal australiano "The Age" que o final da digressão seria "uma boa altura para deixar os Gorillaz"."Vamos ver como nos sentimos em Janeiro", acrescentou ainda o britânico", in Público (15/12/2010) - a banda vai disponibilizar o novo disco para download à borla a partir do dia de Natal. Para ver "Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach ft. Snoop Dogg", do mais recente "Plastic Beach".
Meanwhile the band decides to split up or not - "Albarn e Jamie Hewlett, the other member of the band, are think to split up after the Escape to Plastic Beach World Tour ends in the last days of the month. Hewlett said to the Australian journal "The Age" that the end of the tour is the perfect time to leave Gorillaz. "Let's see how we fell in January", says Hewlett, in "publico" (15/12/2010) - the band will release the new record "The Fall" for free download after the Christmas day. To watch "Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach ft. Snoop Dogg", from the latest album "Plastic Beach".
Meanwhile the band decides to split up or not - "Albarn e Jamie Hewlett, the other member of the band, are think to split up after the Escape to Plastic Beach World Tour ends in the last days of the month. Hewlett said to the Australian journal "The Age" that the end of the tour is the perfect time to leave Gorillaz. "Let's see how we fell in January", says Hewlett, in "publico" (15/12/2010) - the band will release the new record "The Fall" for free download after the Christmas day. To watch "Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach ft. Snoop Dogg", from the latest album "Plastic Beach".
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