quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2018

How To Dress Well - Land of the Overflowing Urn EP

Novo Ep para How To Dress Well - Land of the Overflowing Urn. "Eu quis começar a compor musica e deixá-la viver e libertá-la. Eu quero abrir o meu estúdio deixar que as pessoas possam percepciona-lo." Para ouvir "Vacant Boat (shred) | Nonkilling 1 | The Anteroom | False Skull 1". AVISAM-SE A QUEM VEJA O VIDEO: as nele contidas pode prejudicar pessoas sensíveis e que possam sofrer de epilepsia. 
How To Dress Well shares Land of the Overflowing Urn EP. “I want to start putting out music and just letting it live and be free. I want to just open my workshop and have you walk around in it.” Listen below "Vacant Boat (shred) | Nonkilling 1 | The Anteroom | False Skull 1". VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED: the video has been identified to potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy.

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