O quarteto Londrino "Trailer Trash Tracys" estreia-se nas edições de discos com o álbum "Ester" no dia 9 de Janeiro. Canções atmosféricas conjugando sonoridades à la "David Lynch/Julie Cruise", "This Mortal Coil", e até os mais recentes "The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart". À partida nada de novo, foi o que eu disse para mim quando dei conta deles num artigo de um Blog. Contudo investiguei e para minha surpresa adoro "You Wish You Were Red" (ver video em baixo), "Turkish Heights", "Los Angered", "candy girl"(ver video em Baixo) e "Dies In 55".
London quartet "Trailer Trash Tracys" releases album debut "Ester" next January 9TH. Atmospheric songs template with sounds like "David Lynch/Julie Cruise", "This Mortal Coil", and most recently "The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart". At the beginning nothing new, I thought when I read about them in one of my searching in music blogs. But when I listen to them it fells quite surprising and guess what: now I love "You Wish You Were Red" (see video bellow), "Turkish Heights", "Los Angered", "candy girl"(see video bellow) e "Dies In 55".
London quartet "Trailer Trash Tracys" releases album debut "Ester" next January 9TH. Atmospheric songs template with sounds like "David Lynch/Julie Cruise", "This Mortal Coil", and most recently "The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart". At the beginning nothing new, I thought when I read about them in one of my searching in music blogs. But when I listen to them it fells quite surprising and guess what: now I love "You Wish You Were Red" (see video bellow), "Turkish Heights", "Los Angered", "candy girl"(see video bellow) e "Dies In 55".
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