Ao escutar este novo tema "Another bed" dos "twilight sad" fico com a sensação que a banda está a distanciar-se dos seus primeiros registos, o que neste caso é um passo à frente na evolução como banda. "No One Can Ever Know", o terceiro disco de originais desta banda escocesa sai dia 6 de Fevereiro.
As far I can tell by listening new twilight sad's new song "Another bed" it gives me the impression that early recordings are quite away from this now, which is a good thing for them. "No One Can Ever Know", third record for this Scottish band will be release on February 6TH.
As far I can tell by listening new twilight sad's new song "Another bed" it gives me the impression that early recordings are quite away from this now, which is a good thing for them. "No One Can Ever Know", third record for this Scottish band will be release on February 6TH.
The Twilight Sad - Another Bed by The Line Of Best Fit
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